The 8th photo in the Japrish photo compilation (my own version of Engrish) is from what could be called a “train commuter/smoker’s etiquette” poster. This is part of a poster (more shots of it to come later) which we spotted at Harajuku JR station in Tokyo.

It’s not that the English in this poster is bad (that’s not always the point of Japrish), just that the way they go about explaining what to do and not to do is hilarious. Cigarettes are very cheap in Japan, but they are also quite low in nicotine. Smoking is allowed in most places, such as restaurants and cafes.
Take a look at the rest of the Japrish posts below, and join us on Twitter or Facebook, or get new post email alerts by email or RSS. There will be more from this Harajuku poster very soon!
Good one!! This one is the best so far. Smoking is still allowed in most public places in Japan, but authorities have tried to discourage smoking in public areas such as airports, train stations and government buildings. A lot of places in Japan now have designated smoking rooms with most Japanese smokers complying.
There is much more of this poster to come!