The first time I travelled to Japan (in 2009) a friend gave me a photography tip… while taking the normal tourist photos, choose a subject or a theme to take photos of. He and friends had chosen subjects like unique cars, skinny houses and unique traffic signs.
I decided to take photos of funny English translations, and hence Japrish was spawned.

Amerikamura「アメリカ村/American Village」and Dōtonbori「道頓堀」in Ōsaka are filled with signs, shirts and merchandise showing a Japanese attempt at translating English. I spotted this shirt at an American-themed clothing store.
If you visit Ōsaka be sure to check out the downtown area of Dōtonbori, Namba「難波」and Shinsaibashi「心斎橋」for some huge malls, a very cool UniQlo and many quality okonomiyaki restaurants.