There always seems to be something crazy happening in Dōtonbori. I have a connection to this place, it’s the first area of Japan I every visited, way back in 2009. This particular location is the center of an area known by a few names: Minami (South) or Nanba (one of the suburbs here). The actual suburb is Dōtonbori.

Ebisu Bridge, Dōtonbori, Ōsaka「大阪道頓堀えびす橋」
Southern Downtown Osaka’s meeting place
The Glico Man sign (seen in the background of this photo, with a running man on a blue background) is perhaps the most popular meeting place in the area. It’s also one of the most photographed, with both sides of the canal that runs under the bridge lit by hundreds of neon signs for the huge range of bars, restaurants and shops to be found here.
Strange sights
I’ve spent a fair bit of time in this spot. Sometimes waiting for people, sometimes just people watching.
One time I saw a group of about 20 men walking over the bridge. They were all wearing the same white suit. The person in the middle of the group was wearing an almost life-like white horse head. Everyone acted like this kind of thing happens everyday, which it probably does.
Another time a few years later, I was spending a few days solo traveling in Osaka. With a population in the millions, I stumbled on two friends hanging around the bridge. They were planted there, rating girls who passed on a scale of 1 – 10. They wouldn’t leave until they found a 9.
Then there’s the buskers, performers and just huge array of uniquely dressed people – all make this a draw card for tourists around the world. If you visit this area, be sure to check it out both in the day and night time, it’s always a spectacle!
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