Something different for today’s Mainichi Photo…
Today I was catching up on South Park. It was a pretty funny episode about Black Friday mega sales that happen in the USA. It turned out to be a “to be continued” episode, a 3 part story about the next-gen console wars between Microsoft’s Xbox One and Sony’s Playstation 4.
These screenshots are from the second episode “Titties and Dragons”…

Kenny turns into Princess Kenny 「プリンセス ケニー」 and heads to Tokyo in anime form to help Sony win the console wars…

Princess Kenny is adored by all Japanese that set eyes on him…

Princess Kenny uses her “magical” powers to help Sony win the console wars…

She drops in on a shipment of PS4s which are being held back by a blockade of Microsoft war ships…

Trey Parker and Matt Stone actually speak (simple) Japanese and play the parts of the Japanese business people at Sony…

Anime wizard Eric Cartman appears to entice Princess Kenny back to Colorado. The one thing I don’t get about this whole thing is that it’s based on Game of Thrones, but there’s no wizard in Game of Thrones, Eric looks more like Gandalf from Lord of the Rings…

Princess Kenny is won over…

They even do the “they killed kenny, you bastards!” in Japanese…